These are two story books, the pages are made of linen and the pictures feel like hand made woodcuts or lino cuts printed onto the pages, you can feel the little bits of earth and things in the paper, and sometimes the writing hasn't entirely stuck onto the page, because the paper is not perfect.
Holding these books is like walking in old old sand in the hot sun.
This is sort of what is written on the back of the books to explain the stories:
The first one is called:
"Catch that Crocodile" (sort of),
and then on the back it goes like this:
One day, the greengrocer Fanguni finds a crocodile in a ditch. "Catch that crocodile!" scream the inhabitants of the town, terrified. But who will do it?
Probin the policeman with his stick?
Or Dr. Dutta our champion?
Bhayanak Singh will know, and send him away?
or is it the crocodile who is is more clever?
But then comes a doubt more than justified:
Who says that a crocodile must be captured?
The second one is called:
"The Elephant that never forgets"
and then on the back it says:
A Small elephant was lost and alone in the jungle, when a herd of buffalo goes to him and brings him with them. And now, will he be an elephant or a buffalo?
and here is a little drawing from tonight, which is called:
Running along with the little Elephant that never forgets!