Thursday, January 12, 2006

a do-it-yourself poem...

here is a poem, it works for all people that do day jobs, so you can just change the company name to be the company that you work for and it will all be true . straight away.

I think it should be called: we pledge our lives to lcmg

if you work for lcmg it means you are clever

if you work for lcmg it means you are probably very good looking

if you work for lcmg it means you were well brought up and come from a good background

if you work for lcmg it means you have an afinity for communication skills and you are mostly very altruistic

if you work for lcmg it means you will be very popular and the leader of the gang and you get to be first in the tuckshop queue

if you work for lcmg it generally means that you will like every christmas present and birthday present you get no matter which relative or person gives it to you

if you work for lcmg and you are a boy you dont need to go to gym because you will automatically have big muscles, and if you are a girl you will automatically be acceptably skinny and blond and not too tall

if you work for lcmg you will always find that any clothes you want to buy will be on sale when you go to the shop and will always fit perfectly

if you work for lcmg then you will always get on really well with all your siblings and they will be like your friends

if you work for lcmg then when you go and watch a movie it will always be excellent even if the review is bad, and you'll never be sitting next to a hoodied adolescent who eats macdonalds with its mouth open

if you work for lcmg then you wont have to ever save your money because a pension worth double your salary will just arrive in your bank account every month from an anonamis doner who wont ask for anything in return

if you work for lcmg you will always get a seat on the tube and there will never be signal failures and if there are tubestrikes then you can just stay at home and watch films and get paid your sallery

the end.
but because blogs have lots of space you can easily add as much as you want to it

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