Sunday, February 24, 2008

something about reading books

and here is a video of Redemption song, the ones that had Bob in them kept stopping half way through, except that could just be my computer.

the other song that was considered but would have been totally corny, as it was high school, was this one, so i've put it here for now. at least in this one it is Bob 'in real life' (and anyway it was a 2nd choice at the time)

i didnt write about other songs that got played on the tape recorder as it is not good to speak about people, except in newspaper articles.

Friday, February 22, 2008

the status of the newspaper/s

this is here because it is not finished. all the people are not finished. they are paper mache being made. along the way. they are pretending to be in a show. one day they will be. made themselves. properly. and not be all together. for now they are all being stored. if there is a new phase then they will have to be in different places because it is unlikely they will get painted the same colour or at the same time. they seem to like just being the colour of newspaper. at the moment. well for ages.. actually. but now they are here. maybe they will change. even if its a only a little bit. (this is also an experiment in using the full stop)